September Musical Moments
Greetings from the music room! Students at JES & UCS have been working hard at practicing music skills and being creative!
Kindergarten has been playing, Shake and Freeze! This is a movement and listening activity. When the Tambourine shakes, students shake a body part (like a hand for example). When the tambourine stops they freeze like a statue. Kindergarteners are so good at this! This activity could be played at home. Just find something that makes a sound and play the game. It's a lot like freeze dance except only moving one or two body parts at a time. Ask your musical kindergartener to teach you.
Frame Drums
Third and fourth grade students have been working with the frame drums. They have been working on an AB piece called, Two is Company. This activity includes a poem and a drumming section. The poem is about how many friends can walk, side by side, on the sidewalk safely. Students got the opportunity to play the drumming pattern with many friends. They rocked it out! Ask your third or fourth grader to teach you the poem. They know it by heart.