Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November Musical Moments


Pete the Cat came to all of the Kindergarten classes and shared his book, Pete the Cat; Five Little Pumpkins.  All the students have been learning the finger play and shared it with Pete.  They can even share it with you!  Ask them about it.

Third and Fourth Grade

Students in grades 3 & 4 have been learning about the concepts of patterns, tempo and dynamics.  They put all of those concepts together with this movement piece today.  They had to repeat a head, should, knee and toe pattern to the song, In the Hall of the Mountain King, by Edvard Grieg.  They loved the challenge of having to increase the tempo of the pattern to match the beat of the song.  They also had an extra challenge of the pattern changing slightly each time they repeated it.  

First and Second Grade

A hand jive was the dance of the day in music class this past week.  First and second graders all repeated a hand jive pattern to the song, In the Hall of the Mountain King, by Edvard Grieg.  They noticed that the tempo of the song gets faster.  They also noticed that the music begins quietly and, little by little, gets louder.